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1 on 1 Coach Consulting

Is your business growing?
Is your business profitable?
Do you like your employees?
Need help?



“It ain’t what you know that gets you in trouble.
It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so.”

-Mark Twain

What does a business coach really do for small businesses or executives?

Mark Twain has a great leadership quote…

“It ain’t what you know that gets you in trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so.”

I start with this wonderful quote because it is so powerful for 

leaders, entrepreneurs, and small businesses. 

The 1 on 1  business coaching relationship is one of getting your business on track legally, culturally, and systematically to achieve higher profitability and stability. 

Notice I used profitability and stability as the goal? The start of all my client relationships always from the client prospective is “How do I make more money?”. Successful people have learned the focus on money alone gets you only so far. You then hit a brick wall in stagnant growth or start to have high employee turn over. You then become a product of the business running you instead of that dream you had when you started your business. 

That dream of financial freedom or to not answer to the “man” anymore has been lost. Now I’m not saying profit isn’t high on the list to start working on with most of my clients however I find to get higher profits some culture steps may need to be implemented. 

We together will come up with what is the most important FIRST STEP to start. We will create goals and actions steps for that week to achieve or start achieving that first step. Through my online coaches platform I will assign ACTION STEPS that you will be tasked to complete before the next meeting. You will have a login to my coaches platform and be able to see out session notes, action steps from the past, present, and future. You will be able to communicate with me everyday if necessary by email, text, or phone calls. 

The POWER OF ROUTINE ACCOMPLISHMENTS is success! All business owners get in a rut, bored if you will in the day to day grind of running a business. It’s what you are going to do tomorrow that is important to change or follow the direction you want to follow.

I stepped out of my service business four years ago mainly because I was not getting the company the best of me. I was running it, successfully I might add, but not feeling like I was correct. I needed to train a General Manager to do what I was doing so I could focus on running the company instead of the company running me. I now have a management team so now and I do not run the daily activities of my company. I review monthly number and projections and have a full team meeting every month. My management team does exactly my vision without me hanging over them. 

Yes I have been coaching my own management team. They have grown the business by 33% in the last 3 years. The entire culture has improved from a not bad culture before but to a better culture for the current employees.



As a business coach I also consult as part of my practice. Many coaches do not. I have the experience to advise you in your options to lead you to the correct decision.


For example…

If you have a marketing platform question such as an Google Adwords question I can answer that in our session. I can advise the correct actual step in Google Adwords for you to do however if you want an actual consulting time on anything specific than extra money may be charged outside the perimeters of our agreement. If you get served for a lawsuit I can consult and proper actions to take and advise you the very next step to take.

If you would like sales training for your sales team I can do a a half day or a full day of training for an additional fee.


If you need consulting during a coaching session and its simple to answer there is no added fees. As a multi million dollar service company owner / C.E.O. I have been through all the pains and cheers growing and maintaining a business.