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Power Coaching

Leadership Groups
Power Coach Consulting (PCC)

Fast Track Business Consulting

Invite me into your business to help you get your business to where you’ve always dreamed it to be. I will fast track your business into getting control of every aspect of your business again or maybe for the first time.


Power Coaching is an opportunity to get your business where you’ve always dreamed it would be!

To start this experience, we will sit and share our business stories. How did you get to where you are? Your background matters when it comes to insurance. Together we will go around your place of business as you show me the operations, I meet the employees, and we examine the systems that run your business. Here’s a breakdown:

Coaching Session

business strategy meeting

A deep dive into your thought of where the business is and where you want to go with the future of the business. This is the part the pains and struggles will be discussed. Most of my clients feel relieved that they have someone to talk to that actually understands what they are going through but also can get emotional so be prepared.

Business Lunch

delicious business lunch

I will pay for lunch for the two or three of us as we go out to a modest nice restaurant near your business.

The conversation can stay in the business consultant realm or we can keep it light.

Employee Interviews

Please arrange your management and key employees to visit with me for about 30 minutes each. This is not a complaint department session with your employees, it’s a what they feel can be done to advance your business. You may opt out of the employee meeting with me but it is really a great way to get a full better picture of your business.

Systems Analysis

Go over all your systems, procedures, handbook, operations manual, sales techniques, and equipment. I am looking for improvement to any of the these that can quickly impact your business. A 3rd day may be required if we cannot complete the analysis.

Final Report

After our 2 day meeting I will write up a full report on my discovery on how to improve your business. We will schedule a meeting to go over the full report. The meeting will take about 3-5 hours long to discuss.


Question: Where will you be next year or in ten years if you do nothing?

Answer: Worse than you are today if you don’t hire a business consultant!

Question: How much would you pay to get your business on track from business consulting? 

Comment: I can’t answer this for you but when was the last time you spent anything on advancing your business to help you grow and make more money? Order now and lets begin to help  business succeed in the future.