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Why Certification in Any Industry Matters

Why Certification in Any Industry Matters

with Marshall Peters from Certified Chimney Professionals

Certification in your industry is a surefire way to gain a competitive advantage. It is amazing that more business do not take this step in advancing their standing within their own industry. I admit that I did not get certified in the chimney business until many years after starting. However– that certification has paid off since!

I will be the first from experience to tell you that once certified, you can (and most likely will) double your business! It’s that much of a “game changer.”

Episode highlights:

  • Why get certified from the perspective of a Master Certified Chimney Technician
  • A few stories about how certification makes a difference
  • A display of integrity
  • Something to learn from a Mark Twain quote: “It Ain’t What You Don’t Know That Gets You Into Trouble– It’s What You Know for Sure That Just Ain’t So.”

This episode offers great insights on how to get your business moving and improving.

-Chad Murray